The Vein Institute - 5 Natural Remedies for Varicose Veins
Varicose veins cause extreme discomfort and agony and can be caused by a variety of factors including age, weight, prolonged standing or sitting, pregnancy, and even heredity. However, technology has evolved to the point where you may get treatment from an expert. There are home remedies that can be used to improve the appearance of varicose veins at home or even prevent them from occurring in the future.

We will go through 5 of the most practical home treatments for preventing and treating varicose veins.

1. Regular Exercise

The Vein Institute - 5 Natural Remedies for Varicose Veins
Getting some physical exercise is a wonderful place to start when it comes to home remedies for varicose veins. Increasing your physical activity will improve blood circulation throughout your body by allowing blood that has accumulated in damaged veins to return to the heart.

Low-impact exercise can help fill the calves and drive the blood through the veins.

Swimming, walking, cycling, yoga, and stretching are all good since they circulate the blood and exercise. While moderate exercise can help avoid high blood pressure, which is a major risk factor for those who have varicose veins.

2. Anti-Inflammatory Food

The Vein Institute - 5 Natural Remedies for Varicose Veins
Certain meals can have an influence on the severity of your varicose veins, positively or negatively.

Adopting an anti-inflammatory diet can help reverse inflammation and increase blood flow, therefore speeding up the repair of previously damaged veins.

Minimize your intake of sodium-rich meals and increase your intake of potassium-rich foods to assist reduce water retention. Foods of this kind include:

  • Almonds and pistachio
  • Bananas 
  • Cooked spinach and broccoli 
  • Mushrooms 
  • Lentils and white beans 
  • Potatoes 

 Fiber-rich meals can also assist to keep the stool moving and avoid constipation, which can strain damaged veins. Among these foods are:

  • Whole grain foods 
  • Leafy greens 
  • Oats wheats and flaxseed 
  • Nuts seeds and legumes 

A healthy diet will aid in weight reduction in those who are overweight, as well as lessen strain on the veins and relieve swelling and pain.

3. Maintain / Lose Weight

The Vein Institute - 5 Natural Remedies for Varicose Veins
Being overweight increases the likelihood of developing varicose veins, especially in women and the elderly. As you gain weight, you put more strain on your veins, which can lead to inflammation. Particularly in the biggest superficial veins, such as the saphenous vein in the thigh. Varicose veins are generally more difficult to diagnose and treat in overweight persons because they frequently go unnoticed until they become more irritated and bigger in size.

4. Natural Herbal Treatment

The Vein Institute - 5 Natural Remedies for Varicose Veins
Herbs such as grape seed extract or butcher’s broom (vitis vinifera) may help decrease edoema in the lower legs and cure other symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency if taken orally, according to research. Other natural herbs, such as bilberry and horse chestnut, have been shown to be useful and safe in the treatment of varicose veins.

They are also highly helpful in reducing water retention and circulation issues.

 The fruit of the bilberry plant can be eaten or made into extract or tea . The horse chestnut  tree  also known as buckeye can be found in extract, cream/lotion, tea or capsules. Both can be combined safely with a butcher’s broom to help boost blood flow, protect veins and achieve natural blood thinning effects .

The bilberry plant’s fruit can be eaten or processed into extract or tea.The horse chestnut tree, commonly known as buckeye, is available in extract, cream/lotion, tea,and capsule form. Both may be used safely in conjunction with a butcher’s broom to increase blood flow, protect veins, and achieve natural blood thinning effects.

5. Hormone Balancing Essential Oils

The Vein Institute - 5 Natural Remedies for Varicose Veins
Several essential oils can help improve blood flow while also reducing inflammation and hormonal abnormalities. Cypress oil, which has the potential to improve circulation and assist the circulatory system, is one of the finest oils for treating vein issues. To use, apply a few drops to the afflicted region and gently massage it to promote blood flow via the veins. In tiny doses, you may also use diluted oils like peppermint, tea tree, and lavender oil. Remember to avoid pushing directly on the veins as this may cause harm to the delicate tissue.

Seeking Professional Help

Home treatments are an excellent place to begin preventing and improving the impact of varicose veins and your general lifestyle. A well-balanced anti-inflammatory diet, along with regular exercise, can increase blood flow, reverse the effects of inflammation and improve the health of vein valves. Home cures, on the other hand, can only help you avoid and improve varicose veins to a limited amount. To combat the disease at its base, proper and expert care and treatment are required. Dr. Sanjoy Kundu, an expert vascular specialist, provides the greatest professional support and care at The Vein Institute Toronto. To get rid of your varicose veins, schedule a free consultation now.